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New Time Entry Features: AI Photo ID and Verification Questions


Posted on April 30th, 2024

New features: Raken AI photo ID and custom questions.

We’ve upgraded our time entry options with two new features to reduce time theft and improve compliance. AI photo ID and verification questions are now available for our mobile worker time clock and shared kiosk.

AI photo ID

Raken AI photo ID.

Prevent buddy punching by enabling AI photo ID, which requires workers to submit a selfie photo whenever they clock in or out.

How it works

  • When workers clock in for the first time, they’ll be prompted to take a selfie photo for reference

  • Every time workers clock in or out, they’ll take another photo that will be used to verify their identity using AI technology 

  • Admins can review photo matches to quickly identify attempts at buddy punching or payroll fraud

Note: Workers whose photos can’t be verified can still clock in/out, so time tracking workflows remain uninterrupted.

Enable AI Photo ID >

Custom verification questions

Raken custom clock in questions.

Make sure workers follow standard procedures on every project with custom questions for both clock in and clock out.

How it works

  • Admins create custom questions to be asked whenever workers clock in and clock out, setting different questions based on the project

  • Workers will be prompted to respond to assigned questions and sign off if required

  • Admins can review responses in Raken and easily track compliance

Set custom questions >

Frictionless, flexible time tracking

Whether you use kiosk to have everyone track time on one device or time clock on individual workers’ devices, these new features make it easy to prevent fraud without slowing down the time tracking process.

See it in action

If you’re new to Raken, we’ll give you a personalized walkthrough.

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