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Lightning Safety Toolbox Talk

Learn the dangers of lightning on the construction site in this lightning safety toolbox talk.

Lightning Safety Talk

Did you know that each year there are around 25-40 million lightning strikes in the United States? They can happen at any hour, day or night.

Working in construction, which requires you to be outdoors and use machinery, puts you at a higher risk of being struck by lightning than average. Proper attention should be paid to the weather, and your task schedule should reflect the forecast. Continuing work in unsafe situations only puts yourself and other employees at risk.

Have a lightning safety plan in place

All employees should know the proper protocol for when there is lightning in the area. That way there isn’t any confusion when the time comes to stop working and take shelter.

You should never wait until the lightning begins to hit. Instead, you should take shelter beforehand. There should be a designated area that everyone knows to report to when lightning occurs.

Lightning fatalities statistics

It is important to know what dangers can occur when you work a job that lightning could interfere with. 

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), around 20 people die from lightning strikes each year and hundreds more sustain injuries.

Here are some more facts about lighting strike incidents:

  • Lightning strikes can happen anywhere. Some of the most recorded lightning strike victims were fishing, camping, boating, at the beach, golfing, and playing soccer.

  • The majority of deaths recorded from lightning strikes are in the months June, July, and August.

  • Waiting until the last minute to seek shelter can be very dangerous. In most lightning strike cases, the individuals were trying to get to shelter.

  • Some lightning strike victims suffer neurological damage after being struck.  

5 lightning myths debunked

You have probably heard many stories about how lightning strikes, but many might just be myths. People often hear information and run with it without checking the facts.

Let’s cover 5 of the most common lightning myths.

1. You are safer inside

You may hear that if you are inside of your home that you can’t be struck by lightning. Although you are safer inside your home than outside, you can still get struck by lightning if you are not being careful. You should always try to avoid anything in your home that conducts electricity when there is lightning outside.

Some items in your home can get struck by lightning as well, such as:

  • Televisions

  • Computers

  • Corded phones

  • Metal doors

  • Any other electrical devices

2. You are safe under a tree

When you are trying to seek shelter outside, make sure to choose wisely. Many people believe that they are safe getting under a tree. However, lightning often strikes trees, especially taller ones standing alone. It is best to seek shelter elsewhere

3. Rubber tires keep you safe in your car

When you are in your car during lightning, some may believe that the rubber tires keep you safe from being struck. While there may be some truth in that statement, the real thing keeping you safe is the metal frame of the car. The metal on your car frame acts as a faraday cage surrounding you.

4. Lightning doesn’t strike twice

You have probably heard it said that lightning will never strike in the exact same spot twice. That is completely untrue, as there are many instances of lightning striking the same spot. These are common receptors of repeat lightning strikes:

  • Metal buildings

  • Tall trees

  • Cell phone towers

5. Lighting only happens with clouds and rain

People often look up into the sky and assume that since there aren't clouds or rain, there will not be any lightning. That is not an indication of whether or not lightning will occur.

Lightning does not always strike exactly where the storm is occurring. Reports have been made of lightning strikes happening miles away from active storms.

Where is lightning most likely to strike on a construction site?

As a general rule of thumb, the tallest areas in your worksite are most likely to get struck by lighting.

Some examples of materials, heavy equipment, or supplies that can also pose risk are:

  • Ladders

  • Rooftops

  • Scaffolding

  • Tall trees

  • Utility poles

  • Cell phone towers

  • Cranes

What if you are caught outside during a lightning storm?

You should always seek shelter at the first signs of thunder and stay put for the full duration of the storm. However, there’s always a possibility that you may find yourself stuck outside during a storm with lightning.

Here are some of NOAA’s recommendations:

  1. Avoid any water

  2. Avoid elevated areas

  3. Try not to stay in an open area

  4. Never lay down flat on the ground

  5. Don’t shelter under an isolated tree or utility pole

  6. Never find shelter under heavy equipment or scaffolding

  7. Stay clear of the tallest objects in the area

Training and education on lightning

All employees should be trained and knowledgeable about what to do in a storm and how to seek shelter during lightning. The employer of a worksite should provide this training.

Timing is just as important as knowing what to do. With proper training, employees will know when it is time to seek shelter, so they don't get caught in a storm at the last minute.

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